In a few words...

For me, interior design is a passion. Learning, discovering and sharing are in my eyes essential to bring fresh ideas to my projects. With my pronounced taste for warm and contemporary spaces, Spaces By Remy puts all of its energy behind creating spaces in which customers feel at home and comfortable.


For each interior design project, I offer a follow-up at several stages :

  • An initial consultation to analyze the space and discuss your preferred style and theme.
  • Development of layout proposal and mood boards.
  • Proposal outlining materials, furniture, and accessories.
  • Delivery of 3D plans for the project.
  • Ongoing site supervision.
  • Purchase and installation of decoration.
  • Coordination with vendors.
New York interior designer

Initial consultation

During this first meeting, preferably on site, when possible, we discuss your project in detail, including the styles and trends you prefer, colors you like or dislike, the layout you imagined and what is and is not achievable given the space we are working with. This allows for a first refinement. If it is a project with extensive renovations, I will have an estimate made by one or more contractors who will give an idea of the estimated costs and deliverables. I will also provide my estimate of fees as well as the estimated budget for the design and decoration.

Mood boards

They mark the beginning of our collaboration. They are made up, piece by piece, of inspirational images that reflect our discussions and the decoration elements that are informed by the consultation. The images come from many sources, from decoration magazines, shops, websites, and more.

New York interior designer

Furniture proposal

Once the general theme and style has been validated, I will move forward with the more precise selection of furniture and decorative accessories for the space. I offer tours of a targeted group of stores and showrooms to help you discover brands and discuss the best way forward.

3D plans

3D plans allow you to better project yourself in a given space. They allow you to have an overview of all the rooms, or the layout of more complex rooms such as the kitchen or bathroom.

New York interior designer

Site supervision

Site supervision, as part of a complete or partial renovation, is not mandatory but rather recommended. It allows day-to-day monitoring of the work done by contractors and ensures important details are not missed, such as choice and location of electrical outlets, color of grout, and others.

Purchase and installation of decorations

This usually comes after the renovation phase of the space. Once we have selected the decorative choices together, I take care of finalizing the orders with suppliers, receiving (if necessary) and putting in place the furniture and accessories.